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From the Future...


On our family vacation to Kauai, January 2024, I met Delores.  Delores is a 92 year old lady that helped me with the laundromat at the condo complex we were staying in.  Delores inspired me and showed me something that's possible with regards to life and living as we “mature”.  

It was our third night in Kauai and I wanted to do a load of laundry.  I made sure to have enough coins with me so I could complete the wash and dry cycle of a load.  That plan was working until the washing machine ate a few of my coins.  I looked around and saw that there was an App I could use to work the machines….. So interesting, I had never seen that before!

I downloaded the app, but had trouble setting up my account and connecting it to the laundromat at this location.

In walks this little old lady with her laundry basket to pick up her laundry.  She saw I was having trouble and asked if I needed help.  I said “yes please” I...

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