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From the Future...


On our family vacation to Kauai, January 2024, I met Delores.  Delores is a 92 year old lady that helped me with the laundromat at the condo complex we were staying in.  Delores inspired me and showed me something that's possible with regards to life and living as we “mature”.  

It was our third night in Kauai and I wanted to do a load of laundry.  I made sure to have enough coins with me so I could complete the wash and dry cycle of a load.  That plan was working until the washing machine ate a few of my coins.  I looked around and saw that there was an App I could use to work the machines….. So interesting, I had never seen that before!

I downloaded the app, but had trouble setting up my account and connecting it to the laundromat at this location.

In walks this little old lady with her laundry basket to pick up her laundry.  She saw I was having trouble and asked if I needed help.  I said “yes please” I would definitely appreciate that.  First of all she said, “Let's use my app and get your load started so you can get it done before this closes” I was very thankful to her, and offered her my coins - which she refused lol.  We got the load going, she showed me how to work the app on her phone.  The trouble with mine was I couldn’t get it to connect to the “Laundromat location”.  Delores made a few suggestions of different things to try.  Turning the phone off / on…. Disconnecting and reconnecting the bluetooth…. Then finally we got it.  She looked at me and said “do you know that a 92 year old lady just helped you with an app” hahahaha we both had a giggle about that and I was so thankful for her.  I never would have guessed she was 92!

After she got me connected, she stayed a bit and we had a visit.  She asked me all sorts of questions about where we were from, what we do, the kids etc… She really seemed fascinated to hear about us. 

I asked her all sorts of questions.  She’s from Washington and stays here on the island Kauai for 6 months of the year.  She has been coming to Kauai for over 30 years.  She has been staying in this condo complex for almost 10 years.  Previously she would stay more at the north end of the island. 

She was the cutest 92 year old lady ever!

On the way back up to our condo, after we chatted, I couldn’t believe she was 92! She travelled on her own, she stayed here on her own, she carried her own little laundry basket to and from her own room.  She was doing so good! Her mind seemed to be in great shape, her body in great shape! At that moment I realized - THAT COULD BE ME - When I’m 92!

What would that be like?!
Dear Universe, I would really like this!
SHOW ME what THIS would be like when I am 92!

This “ASK” has stimulated SO MUCH change for me in this last year.  Different things have been catching my attention.  I have been called to make different choices in my life and I can really sense how they are going to contribute to a stronger, vibrant and healthy body - mind & soul for me in my 90’s….and beyond!

Our bodies have their own internal intelligence and system for healing themselves. 
When you put your body into different lengths of fasting (12 hrs, 18 hrs, 24 hrs, 36 hrs, 48 hrs, 72 hrs…..) it starts to do AMAZING things within itself.  It starts to clean up & eliminate diseased cells.  It starts to grow more dopamine transmitters (so you feel more at peace and content), it starts to change the microbiome in your gut (eliminating sugar cravings), it breaks down fatty tissues and releases stored toxins - just to name a few things.

I have also been learning and discovering more about FOOD.  Changing what I feed my body in a way that I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything.  My motivation for eating has changed from short term craving satisfaction to creating this strong body as a 92 year old.  I am enjoying food in a different way, I am not controlled by food nearly to the degree that I was before and I feel really good about it.  I don’t feel like I am missing out on anything.

There are so many ways and different things you can do to train and strengthen your body.  Pilates is for me right now.  The connection it has created for me with my body is amazing! The strength it has created in the last 2 years is beyond what I could have imagined.  I would have said it was strong before…. I was not…..compared to what I am now!  I experience virtually NO pain in my body - AND -  I have more trust in my body too! Overall a better relationship and feeling in my body all around.  Love pilates and I am so grateful for my pilates instructor. 

I have been working through some stuff, opening up to MYSELF - MY HEART through journaling, meditating, playing with oracle cards.  When I get lost and uncertain about what to do…. What choice to make… I have been asking “What would love do?” and allowing this to guide me.  Peace is also something I value more now than ever before.  What this has led to is a deeper, more fulfilling experience in life with myself, with my family, with my horses, in everyday life.  The challenges have been letting go of being right - letting go of the judgement of myself - letting go of control (of myself, my horses, the people I love) - and starting to allow. Going with the flow. 

What if our mind, body and soul can transform & become stronger as we age?

I am excited about living another 60-80 years, experiencing life in this body from THIS perspective.  My day to day activities are all about creating a stronger, healthier, vibrant future self.

What would you like your future to be like? 



What do you believe about aging? 
Is it really true? 

What is true for you? 

Do you dare to Discover?



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