$120.00 CAD

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An Introduction to your Human Design!

Human Design gives us a tool to connect with ourselves, who we truly are, what our unique difference is.  

It is a map that can assist us in navigating (choosing) towards a life that we love and is fulfilling to you, the individual. 

Guiding us away from what we “should” be doing, what society tells us to do, towards what is actually true and greater for you.

Human design was discovered and originated by Ra Uru Hu in 1992.  It pulls in Astrology, Chinese I’Ching, Hindu Chakras, Tree of Life, Quantum Mechanics, Genetics and Biochemistry to create a Human design chart for each person based on birth date, birth time and birth location.

With the purchase of this offer, I will download your Human design chart, creating a PDF with information for you on your Human Design Type, Profile, Strategy & Authority.

Once I have the PDF ready I will reach out to you and we will meet on zoom for a 30 mins Introduction session. 

Our zoom discussion will be about discovering your design, where you are “in alignment” to your design already, areas where you are not aligned, how to use your unique strategy & authority to come back to alignment and make decisions.

You will receive:

---> a PDF of your Human design chart

---> Information about your Human design Type, profile, Strategy & Authority.

** Type: How you are designed to interact with others in the world
(there are 5 types)

** Profile: The baseline of your personality and how you experience the world.
(There are 12 profiles)

** Strategy & Authority: Your unique decision making process

---> The recordings of our 30 mins Introduction Discussion on zoom. 

Check out this episode of coffee chat.... click here.
Carmen Tuleta and I totally geek out on all things Human Design 😘


Don't forget to tick the box and subscribe to emails so we can send you all of the information



Send e-transfer to:
[email protected]

Pay cash - call / text Katherine @ 1-306-248-7297 
