From Fasting


Peaceful Possibilities that I never imagined would show up!

Rewind to November 2023… I just read “Fast Like a Girl” By Dr Mindy Pelz.  I was consuming Dr Mindy’s youTube content, learning all about hormones, food, how different lengths of fasting unlocks different healing mechanisms in the body… Detoxing your liver… metabolic flexibility… Insulin resistance… How to make your body Insulin sensitive…

SO MANY COOL THINGS that I never knew before!

I started fasting according to my cycle (as directed by Dr Mindy) and I started going into 24 hour & 36 hour fasts.

This challenged me in so many ways I never expected!

FIRST OFF, I have a family… am I still going to cook supper for them? Can I do it? What would I like to do?

Cooking supper for me was always a bit of a drag.  I never really enjoyed it, it always felt like something that I HAD to do.  It’s like as soon as you become a wife & mom,...

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